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How can I use SUMIFS for criteria with multiple conditions?

SUMIFS is a powerful function in Excel for calculating the sum of values based on multiple criteria. It allows you to specify conditions for one or more columns and only sum the values that meet all the specified conditions.
Here's how you can use SUMIFS for criteria with multiple conditions:
=SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria1, [criteria_range2, criteria2], ...)
* `sum_range`: This is the range of cells containing the values you want to sum.
* `criteria_range1`: This is the range of cells containing the data you want to apply the first condition to.
* `criteria1`: This is the criteria you want to apply to the first `criteria_range`. It can be a text value, number, or a logical expression.
* `[criteria_range2, criteria2], ...`: You can add additional criteria for more columns. Each additional pair requires a `criteria_range` and a corresponding `criteria` for that column.
Imagine you have a data table with columns for Product (A), Region (B), and Sales (C). You want to find the total sales for "Apples" sold in the "East" region.
=SUMIFS(C:C, A:A, "Apple", B:B, "East")
* `C:C`: This is the `sum_range` containing the sales figures.
* `A:A`: This is the `criteria_range1` for the Product column.
* `"Apple"`: This is the `criteria1` for the Product column, specifying we only want sales for "Apples".
* `B:B`: This is the `criteria_range2` for the Region column.
* `"East"`: This is the `criteria2` for the Region column, specifying we only want sales from the "East" region.
This formula will add up the sales figures in column C only for rows where the corresponding entries in column A are "Apple" and the corresponding entries in column B are "East".
Additional Notes:
* SUMIFS requires all specified conditions to be met for a value to be included in the sum.
* You can use wildcards (* and ?) in your criteria for partial matches.
* SUMIFS can handle up to 127 criteria pairs.
By using SUMIFS with multiple criteria, you can perform complex conditional summations in your Excel spreadsheets.