You are learning The Excel Interface
How do I customize the Excel interface (e.g., change ribbon view)?

While Excel doesn't offer extensive customization options like changing the overall look and feel, there are ways to personalize the interface to better suit your workflow. Here's how you can customize the Excel ribbon for easier access to frequently used features:
1. Show or Hide Ribbon Tabs:
* By default, Excel displays all ribbon tabs. Right-click on any empty space on the ribbon itself.
* You'll see options to:
* Show Tabs: This displays only the ribbon tabs, hiding the commands within them. Click on a tab to see its commands.
* Show Tabs and Commands: This is the default view, showing both tabs and their associated commands.
* Auto-Hide Ribbon: This hides the entire ribbon until you click on the very top of the worksheet or press `Ctrl+F1`.
2. Quick Access Toolbar (QAT):
* The QAT is a toolbar located at the top left corner, just above the ribbon. It provides quick access to your most used commands.
* Add a command: Right-click on any command within the ribbon and choose "Add to Quick Access Toolbar."
* Remove a command: Right-click on an unwanted command in the QAT and select "Remove from Quick Access Toolbar."
* Rearrange commands: Click and drag commands within the QAT to order them for your preference.
3. Customize Ribbon Tabs (Advanced):
* This method involves using XML and is more technical. However, it allows you to create custom tabs with specific commands you use frequently.
* It's recommended for experienced users comfortable with XML editing. Resources like Microsoft support pages or Excel forums can guide you through this process.
Additional Tips:
* Keyboard shortcuts: Learn keyboard shortcuts for frequently used commands. This can significantly improve your efficiency without relying on the ribbon all the time.
* View options:
* Zoom: Use the zoom options (bottom right corner) to adjust the spreadsheet size for better viewing.
* Freeze Panes: Freeze specific rows or columns (View tab > Freeze Panes) to keep them visible while scrolling through large datasets.
By utilizing these options, you can personalize your Excel interface to make it more efficient and comfortable for your specific needs. Remember, the goal is to streamline your workflow and have quick access to the features you use the most.