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How do I freeze panes to keep column/row headings visible while scrolling?

Freezing panes is a handy feature in Excel that allows you to lock specific rows or columns in place while you scroll through the rest of your worksheet.
This is particularly helpful for large spreadsheets where you want to keep your column and row labels visible for reference as you navigate through the data.
Here's how to freeze panes in Excel:
1. Select the cell: Click on the cell located below the row and to the right of the column you want to keep frozen. For example, if you want to freeze the first row and first column, click on cell B2.
2. Go to the "View" tab: Locate the "View" tab on the Excel ribbon.
3. Click "Freeze Panes": In the "Window" group on the "View" tab, find the option "Freeze Panes" and click on it.
4. Voila! Now, when you scroll down or right, the rows above and the columns to the left of your selected cell will remain visible, providing constant reference points for your data.
Additional Options:
While "Freeze Panes" is the most common option, there are a couple of other choices available within the same dropdown menu:
- Freeze Top Row: This option only freezes the top row (row 1) regardless of where your cell is selected.
- Freeze First Column: Similar to the above, this option freezes only the first column (column A) irrespective of your cell selection.
Unfreezing Panes:
If you ever decide you don't want the panes frozen anymore, simply navigate back to the "View" tab and click "Unfreeze Panes" within the "Window" group. This will return your worksheet to normal scrolling behavior.
By effectively using the freeze panes feature, you can work more efficiently with large datasets in Excel, keeping your column and row headings readily available for reference.