You are learning The Excel Interface
How do I print my spreadsheet?

There are a couple of ways to print your spreadsheet in Excel, depending on whether you want to print the entire worksheet, specific parts, or the whole workbook. Here's a guide:
Printing the Entire Worksheet:
1. Open the File menu: Click on the "File" tab in the top left corner of your Excel window.
2. Select Print: In the backstage view, choose "Print" from the options on the left. Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P (Windows) or Command + P (Mac).
3. Preview and Adjust Settings (Optional): The print preview window will appear, showing you how your spreadsheet will look on paper. You can use the zoom tools and navigation buttons to examine different sections.
Here's where you can adjust various printing settings like:
- Printer: Select the printer you want to use from the "Printer" dropdown menu.
- Copies: Specify how many copies you want to print.
- Orientation: Choose between "Portrait" (tall) or "Landscape" (wide) orientation.
- Print Area: By default, Excel will print the entire active sheet. If you only want to print a specific range of cells, you can click the dropdown menu under "Settings" and choose "Print Selection" after highlighting the desired area.
- Other settings: Explore the "Page Setup" button for more options like margins, headers, and footers.
4. Click Print: Once you're happy with the preview and settings, click the "Print" button to send your spreadsheet to the printer.
Printing Specific Parts of a Worksheet:
1. Select the Area to Print: Click and drag your mouse to highlight the specific range of cells you want to print.
2. Follow Steps 2-4 from "Printing the Entire Worksheet" above.
Printing the Entire Workbook:
1. Ensure all sheets are visible: Click on the sheet tabs at the bottom of the window to make sure all worksheets you want to print are unhidden and active.
2. Follow Steps 2-4 from "Printing the Entire Worksheet" above. In the "Settings" dropdown under the preview, make sure "Entire Workbook" is selected instead of "Print Selection" or "Active Sheets."
By following these steps, you can easily print your Excel spreadsheet according to your needs. Remember to preview your printout before hitting print to avoid wasting paper!