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How do I save my workbook?

There are two main ways to save your workbook in Excel, depending on whether it's a new workbook or one you've already saved before:
Saving a New Workbook:
1. Click the File tab: This is located in the top left corner of the Excel window.
2. Select Save As: You'll see a few options under the "File" tab, but for a new workbook, choose "Save As."
3. Choose a Save Location: A window will pop up allowing you to browse your computer or cloud storage for a location to save your file. Navigate to your desired folder.
4. Enter a File Name: In the "File name" box, type a clear and descriptive name for your workbook. It's helpful to choose a name that reflects the content of your spreadsheet.
5. Select a File Format (Optional): By default, Excel will likely save your workbook as a .xlsx file (Excel Open XML Workbook), which is the current standard format. You can explore other formats here if needed (e.g., older .xls format for compatibility with previous Excel versions).
6. Click Save: Once you've chosen a location, filename, and format (if applicable), click the "Save" button to finalize saving your workbook.
Saving an Existing Workbook:
1. Click the Save button: If you've already named and saved your workbook, a quicker way to save any changes you've made is to simply click the "Save" button on the Quick Access Toolbar (the small toolbar at the top left corner). This button looks like a floppy disk icon.
2. Use Keyboard Shortcut (Optional): Alternatively, you can use the keyboard shortcut "Ctrl+S" on your keyboard to save your workbook.
Excel will automatically save your changes to the existing file location and filename you previously chose.
Additional Tips:
* You can also use the "Save As" option even for existing workbooks if you want to save a copy of the file under a different name or location.
* Excel offers an option for AutoSave, which can be enabled in the File menu. This will periodically save your work in case of unexpected program crashes or power outages.
* Consider saving your work frequently, especially when working on complex spreadsheets.