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How do I sort and filter data?

Sorting and filtering are powerful tools in Excel that help you organize and analyze your data efficiently. Here's a breakdown of both functionalities:
Sorting Data:
Sorting rearranges your data based on a specific column or criteria.
* Simple Sorting:
1. Select your data: Click on any cell within the data range you want to sort. This will highlight the entire area.
2. Go to the Data tab: On the Excel ribbon, locate the "Data" tab.
3. Sort options: In the "Sort & Filter" group, you'll see options for sorting.
- Sort A to Z or Z to A: Click the appropriate button to sort your data alphabetically (text) or numerically (numbers) in ascending or descending order.
4. Custom Sort (Optional): For more control, use the "Sort" button within the group. This opens the "Sort" dialog box where you can:
- Choose the column(s) to sort by.
- Specify ascending or descending order.
- Sort by additional levels (e.g., sort by Last Name, then by First Name).
Filtering Data:
Filtering allows you to temporarily hide rows that don't meet certain criteria, letting you focus on a specific subset of your data.
* Using Filter Buttons:
1. Format as a table (Optional): While not strictly necessary, formatting your data as a table is recommended as it automatically adds filter buttons. Select your data range and go to the "Insert" tab. Click "Table" in the "Tables" group.
2. Click the filter button: There will be a down arrow on each table header cell. Click the down arrow for the column you want to filter.
3. Choose filter options: The dropdown menu will display various filtering options based on the data type (text filters for text columns, number filters for numbers, etc.). You can choose to:
- Show only specific values.
- Filter by text criteria (e.g., "contains", "begins with").
- Use advanced criteria for more complex filtering.
4. Clear filters: To remove filters and see all your data again, click the filter button in the desired column and select "Clear Filters" from the dropdown menu.
Additional Tips:
* You can sort and filter data simultaneously. Sort your data first, then apply filters to further refine your results.
* When using the "Sort" dialog box, you can sort by cell color, font color, or icons (assuming you've used conditional formatting).
* Remember, sorting and filtering don't permanently change your data. They simply rearrange or hide rows for easier viewing and analysis. To permanently alter your data, you would need to copy the filtered or sorted data to a new location.
By mastering sorting and filtering, you can quickly extract meaningful insights from your Excel spreadsheets.