You are learning SUM in MS Excel
How to sum cells with specific criteria (SUMIF)?

The SUMIF function in Excel allows you to add up values in a range of cells that meet a specific condition. Here's how to use it:
=SUMIF(range, criteria, [sum_range])
* range (required): This is the cell range containing the values you want to sum.
* criteria (required): This is the condition that the cells in the range must meet to be included in the sum. It can be a number, text, logical expression, a cell reference containing the criteria, or another function. You can also use wildcards like "*" (matches any sequence of characters) or "?" (matches any single character).
* sum_range (optional): This is the range containing the values you want to sum if the corresponding cells in the `range` meet the `criteria`. If omitted, the `range` itself is used for summation.
Let's say you have a table with product names (column A), quantities (column B), and unit prices (column C). You want to find the total cost of products named "Apple."
=SUMIF(A2:A10, "Apple", B2:B10)
* A2:A10: This is the range containing the product names (criteria will be checked here).
* "Apple": This is the specific criteria (only cells containing "Apple" will be considered).
* B2:B10: This is the optional `sum_range` containing the quantities (these will be summed if the corresponding product name matches the criteria).
This formula will add the quantities of all products named "Apple" and return the total cost.
Additional Tips:
* You can use other comparison operators like ">" (greater than), "<" (less than), "<>" (not equal to), etc. in the criteria.
* For logical operators like "AND" or "OR" within the criteria, you can use nested functions like SUMIFS (for multiple criteria).
* SUMIF is case-sensitive by default. If you want a case-insensitive search, you can combine it with the UPPER or LOWER functions.
By understanding SUMIF, you can efficiently calculate sums based on specific conditions within your Excel spreadsheets.