You are learning Data Analysis and Visualization in MS Excel
What are keyboard shortcuts for commonly used data analysis functions?

Here are some keyboard shortcuts for commonly used data analysis functions in Excel:
General Navigation and Editing:
* Ctrl + Home: Move to the beginning of the worksheet.
* Ctrl + End: Move to the end of the worksheet with data.
* Ctrl + Up/Down Arrow: Move between rows within a column.
* Ctrl + Left/Right Arrow: Move between columns within a row.
* Ctrl + C: Copy selected cells.
* Ctrl + V: Paste copied cells.
* Ctrl + X: Cut selected cells.
* Ctrl + Z: Undo the previous action.
* Ctrl + Y: Redo the last undone action.
* F2: Edit the content of the active cell.
Formula Editing:
* F4: Toggles between absolute and relative cell references in a formula.
* Esc: Cancels formula editing mode.
* Enter: Completes formula editing and enters the result.
* Tab: Moves to the next cell and automatically fills down the formula if applicable.
* Up/Down Arrow: Moves within the formula for editing.
Data Analysis Functions:
* SUM: AutoSum (Σ) - Calculates the sum of a range of cells.
* AVERAGE: Ctrl + Shift + F10 - Calculates the average of a range of cells.
* COUNT: Ctrl + Shift + F9 - Counts the number of cells containing numbers in a range.
* COUNTA: Ctrl + Shift + F9 - Counts the number of cells containing any data (including text) in a range.
* MAX: Ctrl + Shift + 8 - Finds the maximum value in a range of cells.
* MIN: Ctrl + Shift + 9 - Finds the minimum value in a range of cells.
* VLOOKUP: (No shortcut, but can be inserted using the formula wizard) - Looks up a value in a leftmost column of a table and returns a corresponding value from another column.
Other Useful Shortcuts:
* Ctrl + Shift + L: Clear filters on a data set.
* Ctrl + PgUp/PgDn: Move between worksheets.
* Alt + Down Arrow: Open the dropdown list for filters or data validation.
* Ctrl + T: Create a table from your data range.
Remember, these are just some of the most common shortcuts. Excel offers a wide range of keyboard shortcuts that can improve your efficiency in data analysis tasks. You can find a more comprehensive list within the Excel help documentation or by searching online for "Excel Keyboard Shortcuts."