You are learning Conditional Formatting in MS Excel
What are the different comparison operators available in conditional formatting?
Conditional formatting in Excel allows you to highlight cells based on certain conditions. Here are the different comparison operators available:
* Equality:
* `= (Equals)`: Checks if the cell value is equal to a specific value or another cell reference.
* Inequality:
* `> (Greater Than)`: Checks if the cell value is greater than a specific value or another cell reference.
* `< (Less Than)`: Checks if the cell value is less than a specific value or another cell reference.
* `>= (Greater Than or Equal To)`: Checks if the cell value is greater than or equal to a specific value or another cell reference.
* `<= (Less Than or Equal To)`: Checks if the cell value is less than or equal to a specific value or another cell reference.
* Difference:
* `<> (Not Equal To)`: Checks if the cell value is not equal to a specific value or another cell reference.
* Text Comparison:
* These operators work similarly to numeric comparisons but are used for text strings. Excel performs a case-insensitive comparison by default.
* Logical Operators (Can be combined with comparison operators):
* `AND`: Checks if multiple conditions are true simultaneously.
* `OR`: Checks if at least one of the conditions is true.
Additional Options:
* Between: This is a shortcut for combining a greater than or equal to and a less than or equal to comparison.
* Top/Bottom Rules: These allow you to highlight cells based on their position within a sorted list (e.g., top 10% of values).
* Text Contains, Begins With, Ends With: These operators are helpful for filtering text data based on specific criteria.
* Formula Based Formatting: You can use formulas to define custom conditions for conditional formatting.