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You are learning Functions and Formulas in MS Excel

What does the LEN function do?

The LEN function in Excel is used to calculate the number of characters within a text string. It counts letters, numbers, spaces, special characters, and even non-printable characters present in the text.

Here's a breakdown of its functionality:

* Syntax: `LEN(text)`
* Arguments:
* `text`: This is the required argument, representing the text string for which you want to find the character length. It can be a cell reference containing the text, or you can directly type the text within quotation marks (e.g., "This is a text").
* Output: The LEN function returns a number that represents the total number of characters in the provided text string.

For example, if you enter the formula `=LEN("Hello World")` in a cell, the result will be 11 (including the space).

Here are some key points to remember about the LEN function:

* It counts all characters, including spaces and punctuation.
* Formatting applied to the text (e.g., font size, color) is not considered by the LEN function.
* If the `text` argument is an empty string ("") or a reference to an empty cell, the LEN function will return 0.
* The LEN function is a versatile tool for various tasks in Excel, such as:
* Validating data entry by checking if text meets specific length requirements.
* Extracting specific parts of text strings using functions like LEFT, RIGHT, or MID based on character positions.
* Working with text manipulation formulas and creating dynamic content.

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