You are learning Sorting and Filtering in MS Excel
What is the difference between sorting and filtering in Excel?
Sorting and filtering are powerful tools in Excel that help you manage and analyze your data efficiently, but they serve distinct purposes:
* Sorting: Reorganizes your entire dataset based on a chosen order. It's like rearranging books on a shelf. You can sort by text (alphabetically, forward or backward), numbers (ascending or descending), or dates (chronologically). Sorting keeps all your data intact but changes the sequence for easier browsing or analysis.
* Filtering: Acts like a sieve, temporarily hiding rows that don't meet your specified criteria. Imagine filtering those books on the shelf to show only science fiction novels published after 2020. Filtering allows you to focus on a specific subset of your data without actually removing anything. You can filter by various criteria, including text containing specific words, numbers within a certain range, dates falling between specific periods, or even formatting like cell color. Once you remove the filter, your entire dataset reappears.
In essence, sorting helps you view your data in a specific order, while filtering helps you isolate specific portions of your data for focused analysis. You can even combine these techniques for even more control over how you view and analyze your information.